

Main project components:

  • Developing the knowledge base for local crop recommendations and agro ecological zones
  • Develop necessary materials and knowledge for training farmers on new practices
  • Developing sensor and actuator kits that are fit-for-need and conditions at one-tenth or below the current market price
  • A data and knowledge management system on cloud
  • Advisory content for crop managing and maintaining

Technology Used:

IoT (Internet of Things) connects sensors and actuators while remotely controlling and monitoring the activities, with a monitoring panel accessible via smart phones. Further, agriculture know-how for regular operation (i.e. fertilizer application, water management, assessing growth and pest and disease identification) will be available at the farmer’s fingertips using mobile technology. Being cloud-connected, real-time roll-outs of rapid updates or interventions to respond to short-term phenomena in agricultural operations will potentially have a national level significance.

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